When we talk about proposal ring, the simplest one would probably be the one involving 1-carat diamond. However, that would possibly cost you around HK$60000.
Whether that is worth paying could vary from person to person, though if you want to save money, the most ideal option would be lab-grown diamond. (CVD diamond/ HPHT diamond)

The advantage of using lab grown diamond ring as proposal ring
1. Real diamond

The core question about lab grown diamond is: Is it real diamond?
Many international institutes have actually acknowledged that lab-grown diamond is real diamond, which is why lab-grown diamonds also come with diamond certificates. Therefore, you can be free from the stress from buying fake or simulated diamonds.
2. Cannot be differentiate with naked eyes

Another question would be: can you tell lab-grown diamonds from natural diamonds with naked eyes?
To answer this, we need to first understand that the physical component, hardness, reflect rate and spark of lab-grown diamond are all the counterparts of that of natural diamond. Therefore, lab-grown diamond and natural diamond are of the same substance.
Including jewelers, humans are almost impossible to differentiate the two kinds of diamond with just naked eyes.
3. Matching modern standard

If we can create a complete diamond with modern technology, should we still continue excavating and consuming unrenewable natural resources for some ceremonial tradition and personal satisfaction?
4. Price
The price of lab-grown diamond is approximately one-third of that of natural diamond. A standard proposal ring mounted with 1-carat lab-grown diamond, for example, costs around HK$12000.

Tips for using lab-grown diamond ring as proposal ring
We do not encourage buying lab-grown diamond ring for proposal without careful consideration. On the contrary, you should try to learn more about your partner’s preference before making the decision.
1. Reaching consensus

This would be the most ideal scenario. The consensus would usually be using the saved money on something more worth spending, like property installment, honeymoon trip, funds for your children, valuing preserving goldwares, investments and presents for your parents.
2. Making tentative moves
You may start with buying lab-grown diamond jewelries (like earrings and necklace) with simple design and give them as presents on dates like Valentine’s Day, Christmas Eve, anniversaries or your parents’ birthdays, and see how your partner reacts.
3. Asking directly

If both of you have agreed on the marriage and agree that HK$60000 is not worthy, you could propose this directly. After all, lab-grown diamond is real diamond, without any catch or trick.
Moreover, after accepting the proposal, arranging the wedding and managing your life after marriage would require much more money. From our experience, young females are more acceptable towards this kind of proposal.